State legislators have a responsibility to be good stewards of public funds and a moral imperative to preserve and ensure domestic Tranquility
How outraged would we all be, that in the name of free speech, we taught courses in public schools that picked out a race to specifically demonize. To treat as a second class citizen. To treat as being sub-human. How would we feel if this curricula was pushed with gross inaccuracies and outright lies contained in its educational materials. Then, add to this, how would we feel if this supposed education taught hate that divided us as a people and caused harm by teach what never was.
This is not, as misguided but passionate critics suggest, seeking to white-wash history by not allowing some kind of supposed truth to be taught in schools.
Legislators, local school boards, and the State Board of Education have a "duty of care" to ensure that hate is not being taught in our schools through false and misleading curricula and to ensure that the political activism of teachers and professors is not passed down to their students.
Parents have an absolute fundamental right to know what public school teachers are teaching their students. Parents should not be deceived and have every right to complain if subjects are being taught that create a hostile educational environment.
Teachers of the State do not have a free speech right to teach anything they want. Nor should they. Parents have this right! Parents that want to teach their children things that are not taught in public school that are beyond the bounds of good sense, common decency, and are morally repugnant, are free to pursue those lessons on their own to a point. The Ohio Education System does not need to entertain every curriculum and every special interest.
School board members that vote to accommodate curricula that promote false CRT narratives, make dubious claims, and create toxicity in the community have not done their due diligence in their "duty-of-care" and are guilty of “gross immorality” and exacerbating the mental abuse of children. These school board members have abandoned their duty of care and duty of loyalty to the board of education and can be removed by a process provided by Ohio Revised Code 3.08.